FRUIT FLY OUTBREAK - Renmark and the greater Riverland area currently have a number of fruit fly outbreaks.  This has resulted in restrictions applying to the movement of at-risk fruit and vegetables within our region. To further understand these restrictions, please visit when planning your visit.

Permanent DIY Orienteering Courses

Attractions Renmark

Alerts 1

The permanent DIY Orienteering Courses in the Renmark Paringa Paddock areas are temporarily inaccessible due to the Murray River flood event.


1300 661 704


Hours: Open Daily

Permanent orienteering courses have been set up in the Renmark and Paringa Paddock (Murray River National Park) areas, and are ideal for team building, school groups, families and individuals to learn and develop their navigation skills using a map and compass in our natural environs.


The DIY courses consist of a number of permanently placed orange and white control markers (small square signs) on posts or other natural features that need to be visited in the correct order as outlined on course maps. The coloured course maps, highlighting the selected permanent course and the course's control descriptions (to help you locate the control marker) are able to be downloaded and printed on an A4 page together with detailed instructions. On each of the control markers is a number and letter code. The code needs to be checked off / recorded against the control description on the printed orienteering map before continuing onto the next control point.

Courses of varying lengths have been developed in collaboration with Orienteering SA that take in both the urban town area and the natural environment of the Paringa Paddock. Shorter courses have been designed for completion by foot (walking/ running) with others covering a longer distance, ideal for mountain biking.

DIY orienteering is a great team building exercise for work and school groups and a great leisure activity for families and individuals to complete at their own pace.

Course maps and further details on Orienteering can be found on the Orienteering SA website here.

Map & Directions

84 Murray Avenue, Renmark SA 5341, Australia